Friday, 26 March 2010

Re- Edit (22nd/ 26th March)

This week we got to work on re-editing our thriller making amendments and improvements to our opening for the final piece follwing the feedback from our teachers and the class. We decided that we would not record voiceovers to be played in the background explaining facts about the killer and victims from news reports as we felt it would give too much away too early on and would sound too much when combined with the music. The main job of the week was making the ending more tense and thrilling as this was one piece of feedback that we got from our teachers. They felt that that more focus should be placed on the killer and not the couple. We edited the ending so there was less long continous shots of the couple. Whereas before the camera cut from a close up of the back of the girl and the boys face to the other way and then a long shot of the killer watching we edited the sequence so the camera kept alternating between the close up of the girls face while hugging her boyfriend and the long shot of the killer watching. This builds up much more suspense and tension than before and puts more focus on the threat and presence of the killer. The two shots we cut between are shown in the stills below.
(1) (2)
We also cut some of the walking sections down as feedback told us that they were a little too long. Whilst me, Sophie and Josh edited Andrew looked for some alternative music that was more background and drone that would build up tension at the end.
He carried out his search on the website above and gained 5 possible tracks to use, he saved them on to our shared (T) Drive so that we could access them whilst editing the footage in Adobe Premier on a separate computer. Below are the titles of the tracks:
•Figures Taking Shape
•Freeze In Place
•Secrets Told
•The Dark Side
•Victim Pileup

Next week we need to re-film the photo pan sequence in widescreen. Hopefully having this second chance at filming will allow us to improve the footage from the first time.

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